Tuesday, June 03, 2008

As Promised...

Some pictures. Bad ones, but pictures all the same. I don't have any of me standing with any of the bridesmaids, but I will post a picture of each.

This is me. Don't I look happy? Two of the brother's in law had on matching pink ties.

These are two of the bridesmaids.
So the colors were REALLY close. It worked out really nicely! All of the wedding pics I took are poopy, so I'll have to get better ones from the rest of the family. :)


Momma Mary said...

wow. are you getting ready to pick up an oscar? You look totally stoked! :) ha ha.

Good job on picking the color though!! ;) can't wait to see more... But then, is this the same wedding Ronald went to? Cuz, yeah. those pics. Let's just say they had one heck of a par-tay after!

HereWeGoAJen said...

Wow! That matches really well! You look very nice. :)

JuliaS said...

Here from NCLM.

Pretty shade - it really looks nice on you!

Good wishes!

DC said...

Great pics! Love the pink!! :)