Thursday, May 15, 2008


Little Man has been biting people. Kids, teachers, mama. You know, people.

The first person he bit was one of his daycare friends, and she is actually the daughter of a couple of our friends. Good choice kiddo. At least her parents were understanding! The daycare send home an "incident report" (gotta love the Army) when accidents, fights, whatever, occur, so there is a written record in case something develops from it. They don't tell you WHO your kid bites, or who bites your kid, just that the incident happened. We only figures it out because their's said "Was playing by the cribs and another child bit her on the hand," and ours said "Was playing by the crib and bit another child on the hand."

So if anyone has any ideas on getting him to stop biting, please, let me know!


Momma Mary said...

Everything I've heard is that it's a phase... :( Hope he stops soon!

Anonymous said...

I can second that. My older daugther tended to bite (usally me) when she was goofy, feeling sleeping and quite over tired.
She outgrew it. That being said, my younger daughter is started on tooth 3 and 4 and was seen crawling over to a neighbor's little boy looking ready to sink her teeth in.

Good luck.

Hecticmom Undone said...

From one hectic life to another. :) I found you through NaComLeavMo.

My son was a biter. He was suspended from daycare at least 10 times from age 8 months to age 4. Yes, I said age 4. Yes, I had a toddler delinquent. He was almost, almost, almost expelled from the daycare. The ONLY way we stayed in was the fact that I was on extremely good terms with the director.

He would bite when he had an ear infection coming on. And when he was upset - he was slow in speaking. He got much much better after speech therapy.

Anyway, my heart goes out to you. I hope you don't have a "biter" it's such an embarrasing title. I still feel like I live with it. :) (by the way, my son is now 7 and hasn't bitten in years and is a really good kid.)

DC said...

Your little man is adorable and your flood pictures are incredible!

I don't have kids, so no tips on the biting thing. Sorry.

I just started blogging yesterday (just in time for NaComLeavMo!), so please stop by and say hello if you get a chance. :)

Christi said...

here via nacomleavmo

sorry that your son has been biting others, I hope he grows out of it soon!

DC said...

Thank you so much for checking out my blog and leaving such a nice comment!

I'll be checking in periodically to see how Finley's doing. I hope the biting stops soon! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nacom commenter...

I used to work at a daycare and we had to fill those things out. Never put names so the parents couldn't harrass the kid or the kids parents. Maybe try teethers? A cold washcloth?